Friday, February 29, 2008

Recoradyn Designs Policies

ALL of the graphics on this site are MY OWN personal creations unless otherwise stated in my blog and I hold the copyright to all of them. Please be considerate of that fact when using my creations. Thank You.

It takes a lot of time and patients to create kits and although I love to share my work with others for free I do require everyone to respect my policies where they are concerned.

I DON'T require my name to be placed on any work you create using my kits but I wouldn't mind a little mention of me and perhaps a link back here if you decide to post your creations anywhere on the web, so that others can see where you got the kit or template. A little advertisement for me so to speak! ;cD

I do have to ask that you DO NOT post ANY of my kits or templates or any part of them ANYWHERE else on the web, if you want to share them send whoever you are sharing them with a link to my blog! That is pretty simple, right? It saves you time and energy too. :c)

I also ask that you DO NOT alter ANY of my kits or parts of my kits for ANYTHING other than personal use, which means DO NOT recolor them and post them somewhere else claiming them to be your own and DO NOT sell them! You MAY alter them for PERSONAL use and that is all!

I don't want to be overly strict with my creations because what fun is there in that? If I discover that there are several people who can't seem respect my copyrights here, I WILL stop sharing my kits and templates for free and I don't want to do that, so just PLAY NICE!

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